The recent ITS World Congress which took place in Suzhou, China, in October 2023 provided a platform for MODALES to showcase its work on the issue of NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) emissions from heavy vehicles.

A scientific paper entitled “Construction of NOx emission states identification method of diesel bus based on judgment matrix: A case study of Nanjing”, by Chinese partner Southeast University and UK partners Dynnoteq and University of Leeds, was presented as part of the session on Energy, Noise and Environmental Impacts.

The paper was presented by Zixin Liu of Southeast University’s School of Transportation and describes a proposed method for obtaining instantaneous emission state labels of diesel buses using data from Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS), then making use of models based on a decision tree to predict instantaneous emissions and change rates. The outcome is an emission states judgment matrix is constructed to obtain the emission state labels of vehicles.

The scientific paper is available here and the supporting presentation is here.

This work was jointly supported by MODALES and the National Key Research and Development Program of China.