News & Events
Southeast University (Nanjing) presents MODALES work on NOx emission states at the ITS World Congress 2023
The recent ITS World Congress which took place in Suzhou, China, in October 2023 provided a platform for MODALES to showcase its work on the issue of NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) emissions from heavy...
MODALES showcased at the ITS European Congress 2023
MODALES was present at the 2023 ITS European Congress with two technical paper presentations, a booth at the ERTICO stand and a presentation in a Special Interest Session (SIS). This major event for...
MODALES Final Conference: project wrap-up marks a key milestone on the road to greener driving
Launched in 2019, the ERTICO-led MODALES project had the vision to substantially reduce air pollution from petrol and diesel vehicles. The 18 partners of the project worked together for 45 months to...
Past Events
16 – 20 October 2023
The ITS World Congress is an international congress launched by the International Organization of Intelligent Transportation in America, Europe, and the Asian-Pacific region, which is the most influential comprehensive international congress in the field and is also the most extraordinary platform for achievement exhibition and technology exchange. Since 1994, countries on three continents have taken turns holding it once a year to promote the research of cutting-edge technologies in the field and the application of intelligent transportation systems. The ITS World Congress has been successfully held for 28 sessions. It integrates the exhibition and academic conference to show the technological strength and research achievements in the development of intelligent transportation in the countries. Government officials, technical experts, businesspeople, and experts from relevant international organizations will be invited here.
MODALES will participate in the Congress with a paper presentations.
For more information, visit the official website of the Congress.
ERTRAC Workshop on “Emissions from road transport”
13 June 2023
Until today, debates on vehicle emissions, their environmental impacts and their regulatory frameworks were focused on tailpipe emissions. But, for a holistic approach, the road transport sector requires a new perspective on the emissions from future mobility technologies, looking now also at (but not exclusively) particles from tyres, brakes or other friction partners, and electromagnetic radiation. The workshop aims to detect the white spots in our knowledge and identify which topics require research activities, to improve air quality further..
You can find the agenda and more information on registration on the ERTRAC website.
22 – 24 May 2023
The 15th edition of the ITS European Congress will take place from 22 to 24 May 2023 in Lisbon. The theme of this edition is “ITS: The Game Changer“. The ITS European Congress will welcome public authority representatives from cities and regions throughout Europe, Middle East and Africa, and from around the world, giving them a platform to learn about opportunities and challenges as well as the benefits and potential solutions related to Smart Mobility. The Congress is an opportunity to establish connections and partnerships within the ITS ecosystem at large to improve the lives of citizens.
MODALES will participate in the Congress with two paper presentations at TP 2 “Data for emission reduction 1” on Monday 22 May from 10:30 to 11:30 in Auditorium 3. In addition, MODALES will be mentioned at the SIS 59 “ITS to mitigate climate change and reduce pollution: impact and quick wins” on Wednesday 24 May from 11:45 to 12:45, which will present the project’s results related to emissions reduction. Participants can also learn more about MODALES at the ERTICO stand (A14) where the project has a dedicated booth.
For more information, visit the official website of the Congress.
Conference on Results from Road Transport Research 2023
14 – 16 February 2023
For the past 6 years, the RTR Conference has been a unique entry point into the achievement of EU-funded projects in road transport. Once again this year, participants will learn about Horizon2020 projects’ results and expected impacts, and what the next research steps are in essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport. The conference will deliver a holistic view of how the European research scene is moving forward in these fields, bringing benefits to the environment, economy, and European society overall.
MODALES will participate in the parallel session “Air quality: from technology to user involvement” on Wednesday 15 February from 09:45 to 12:15, presented by Andrew Winder, Project Coordinator (ERTICO).
More information is available on the conference website.
Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2022
14 – 17 November 2022
Portugal is hosting the 2022 edition of the Transport Research Arena, TRA, Europe’s largest mobility and transport research and technology conference. Under the theme “Moving together, reimagining mobility worldwide”, TRA 2022 will focus on innovative solutions for the global transport sector. Taking place at the CCL (Lisbon Congress Center), from November 14th to 17th, TRA will bring together leading national and international experts to debate the present and future of mobility. On the agenda there will be four major themes: intelligent solutions and society; green mobility and decarbonisation; innovative infrastructures for Europe 2030; policies and economics for a competitive Europe.
MODALES will be present at the invited session “Reduction of transport impact on air quality” on Tuesday 15 November from 08:30 to 10:00, presented by Andrew Winder, Project Coordinator (ERTICO).
More information is available on the conference website.
ITS European Congress Toulouse 2022
30 May – 1 June 2022
ERTICO ITS Europe and Toulouse Métropole will proudly host the European ITS Congress in the Centre of Toulouse, from 30 May to 1 June, 2022. The event will take place at the newly built Exhibition and Conference Centre MEETT – conveniently located near the Toulouse-Blagnac Airport. Toulouse is the fourth-largest city in France with 1.3 million inhabitants within its wider metropolitan area. As the capital of the French department of Haute-Garonne and the Occitanie region, the city is an important hub for business in the region and has many connections in particular related to the aeronautical industry.
The ITS Congresses represent the ultimate showcase of mobility services deployment and are the means for the ITS Community to keep pace with the incredible evolution of the industry. Over the years, the European Congresses have offered a platform for thought leaders, developers, entrepreneurs and decision makers from the transport, logistics and IT industries to share ideas and progress smart and sustainable mobility. The Call for Contributions for the Technical Programme is open, until 24 January. The European Programme Committee is inviting authors to submit papers and Special Interest Session (SIS) proposals to be considered for presentation and publication.
Click here for more information on the event.
European conference H2020RTR – results from road transport research in H2020 projects
29 – 30 March 2022
The 5th edition of the European Conference H2020RTR will take place on 29-30 March 2022 in Brussels. This yearly conference is co-organised by the European Commission, together with the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC), the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association for the 2Zero partnership (EGVIAfor2Zero) and the Connected, Cooperation and Automated Mobility Association (CCAM).
During the conference 65 H2020 projects will present their new discoveries and achievements, how they tackled hurdles and resolved challenges, and what are the next research steps in different essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport … delivering a holistic view of how the European research scene is moving forward in these fields, bringing benefits to the environment, economy, and European society overall.
Projects of high relevance for the “Towards zero emission road transport” (2Zero) partnership, funded under its predecessor EGVI, and “Connected, Cooperation and Automated Mobility” (CCAM) partnership will be presented.
Like the previous edition, this conference aims to gather selected H2020 funded projects on road transport areas to give the attendees an overall picture of the achievements of EU funded R&I and identify the next steps needed to reach the overall EU transport policy objectives. With a strong focus on the scientific achievements of EU-funded projects, this conference will be a unique opportunity to disseminate the knowledge generated through these funded projects.
Click here to see the draft agenda and to register.
MODALES at the ITS Spain Congress 2021, 13-15 July 2021, Madrid, Spain
MODALES is glad to announce its presence at the “XXI Congreso Español sobre Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte” (21st Spanish Congress on ITS”). MODALES Member RACC is presenting “MODALES: How to reduce emissions of all kind of vehicles promoting a driving style favourable to low emissions an good vehicle maintenance” (in Spanish “Como reducir las emisiones de vehículos fomentando un estilo de conducción favorable a las bajas emisiones y el buen mantenimiento del vehículo: Experiencia del proyecto MODALES”). Hoin us for Session 9 – ITS For Mobility Mangement – on Wedndesday 14 July from 17:14 to 18:45.
Click here for more information on the event and here for the agenda.
The 24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2021) is the annual flagship conference sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. IEEE ITSC 2021 welcomes articles and presentations in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, conveying new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, advanced deployment and case studies. ITSC 2021 particularly invites and encourages prospective authors to share their work, findings, perspectives and developments as related to implementation and deployment of advanced ITS applications.
Click here for more information on the event.
ITS World Congress 2021 – 11 to 15 October, Hamburg, Germany
The ITS World Congress is the world’s largest and most prominent event focused on smart mobility and the digitalisation of transportation. The Congresses are the yearly celebration of smart mobility: they underline the importance of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), particularly in cities and regions where they are hosted, and provide an excellent platform that supports the education, thought-leadership, business development, and the overall steady growth of the smart mobility industry. They include live, interactive and thought-provoking sessions where industry experts present the latest developments in ITS, showcasing and demonstrating cutting-edge technology within the event’s spacious exhibition, technical tours and live demonstration opportunities. The Congresses offer stakeholders and patrons the ultimate platform to meet industry influencers and decision makers to discuss emerging and seminal topics in the field and to gain insights into future industrial technological advances and the policies required to support the sector’s rapid growth.
Click here for more information on the event.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815189.