Nanjing (China)




Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province, with an area of 6,596 square kilometres and a population of over 9 million. It is located in the heart of eastern China and the lower reaches of Yangtze River, making it an important transportation hub in China. With the rapid growth of urban economies, the intensive use of vehicles in this heavily industrialised city poses the challenge of excessive emissions from urban road traffic. To mitigate road traffic emissions, in 2007, Nanjing City established the Center for Motor Vehicle Pollution Monitoring and Management, aimed at preventing and controlling air pollution emitted from over 2.2 million vehicles. The Center is equipped with five sets of remote sensing monitoring equipment, in cooperation with the public security department, to carry out random road tests.
MODALES road trials in Nanjing are focused on reducing emissions from road transport by encouraging the adoption of low emission driving behaviours, with the help of solutions developed by the project, thus improving air quality and benefiting the local economy.
MODALES的实际路测是借助于该项目的研究及开发等解决方案,通过鼓励采用低排放驾驶行为来减少道路交通的排放,从而改善空气质量, 造福当地经济。
Responsible partner:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815189.