MODALES Project Coordinator Andrew Winder presented the project’s key outputs to date in the European Conference on Results from road transport research in H2020 projects on 30 March 2022. This 2-day event in Brussels, co-organised by ERTRAC, the 2Zero Partnership, the CCAM Partnership and the European Commission, highlighted interim results from 66 EU-funded Horizon 2020 research projects in the road sector which were more than halfway through their duration. 

In the presence of the European Commission’s (CINEA) Project Officer for MODALES and project partners from LIST, Andrew described to the session participants how the project has carried out emission monitoring from powertrain (exhaust), brakes and tyres and determined the key behavioural indicators for emissions of each of these. It has also analysed diesel retrofit technologies, developed a low-emission driving smartphone app, training videos and an awareness campaign.

You can find Andrew’s presentation here.

This conference session was chaired/moderated by Georgios Tzamalis (European Commission) and Simon Edwards (Ricardo) and also featured presentations from the following related H2020 projects:

  • DIAS (Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems), presented by Dr Dimitris Kontses (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
  • NEMO (Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation), presented by Cecilia Mattea (Transport & Environment)
  • TUBE (Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects), presented by Prof. Topi Rönkkö (Tampere University).

All recordings of the different sessions of the European H2020 Road Transport Research Results Conference are available here. The recording of session 18 with the projects TUBE, MODALES, DIAS, and NEMO are available under the Media section of this website.