LIST – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Serving the national and European economy and society, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST – www.list.lu) is a Research and Technology Organisation located in the very heart of Luxembourg’s new Research and Innovation Campus at the former industrial site of Esch-Belval. The Campus brings together strong potential for innovation uniting university, research centres, joint laboratories, start-ups and incubators. LIST will join the project through the Human Dynamics in Cognitive Environments unit (HDCE) and Trusted Service Systems (TSS) units of the IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) department.
Committed to multidisciplinarity, LIST’s ITIS department conducts research to develop models, methods, software and devices for smart systems, fusing human and technological aspects. Its ambition is to build trust around services, to develop new services with high level of informatics and to support innovation of IT-based services.
In MODALES, LIST will be in charge of data collection and interpretation from smartphones sensors and On-Board Diagnostics dongles, with the aim of automatically recognising a driver’s behaviour profile (while driving, but also about vehicle maintenance). LIST will ensure the link between the theoretical aspects of the project and their validation by developing a personal driving assistant application prototype enabling real-time and proactive recommendations to drivers.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815189.