MODALES and EU-funded projects AVIATOR, CARES, and SCIPPER will be present at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2022. The event will take place at the Lisbon Congress Centre from 14 to 17 November 2022.

MODALES will participate in the Invited Session “Reduction of transport impact on air quality” on Tuesday 15 November, from 08:30 to 10:00. The session will discuss the experiences and results of the projects and will explore new tools and methods to decrease emissions of the current fleet of vehicles, vessels, and aircraft.

Speakers include Simon CHRISTIE (Metropolitan Manchester University), Åke SJODIN (IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute), Leonidas NTZIACHRISTOS (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and Andrew Winder (ERTICO).

Have a look at the session’s invitation here for more information.