Okan University (OKAN was founded by Okan Culture, Education, and Sports Foundation in 1999 and began its academic life in 2003-2004. OKAN, growing rapidly, has reached 450 full time academicians, a student body of 29.000 and offers more than 140 undergraduate and graduate programs at its 15th year. The University comprises eight faculties including medical faculty and engineering faculty.
One of the focused research areas of OKAN is “Intelligent and Electrical Vehicle Technologies”. The Transport Technology and Intelligent Automotive Systems Research Center (TTIS) was established in 2009 to contribute to intense relevant ongoing research activities in Turkey and in EU, to improve efficiency and to develop intelligent and ultra-low emission transport. TTIS is a member of ERTICO and a member of EGVIA.
OKAN today has one of the most advanced infrastructures in Turkey, on autonomous vehicle technology development and electric vehicle technologies. Open Innovation Autonomous Vehicle Development and Testing Platform (OPINA) is in the process of establishment and will be developing globally competitive advanced connected and autonomous vehicle technologies.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 815189.